Basic Book-Keeping
When you are running a business, no matter how large or small, it is always important to keep a check on your finances. So whether you require your Book-Keeper for 2/3 hours per month, or 7 hours a week, I can offer you whatever service we feel is most appropriate for your requirements.
Management Accounts
The preparation of management accounts can be undertaken, to suit your requirements. I can help you produce these, whether you require these monthly or quarterly, thus allowing you to review the business’ financial health, and if necessary, to satisfy your Bank, should you have to apply to them for a loan. These will also help you to identify trends in your business activity, and will help in making decisions about strategic & future planning.
With recent changes to Payroll requirements & the introduction of Real Time Information, I offer a full ‘online’ service that will keep you compliant, and prevent any unnecessary un-announced visits from the Tax Man. As an advisor on the introduction of RTI, both over the past 3 years, and still engaged in the forthcoming plans for the next phase of the scheme (to be completed in 2018) you can rest assured that your Payroll is in safe hands.
Annual Accounts
Providing your Accounts do not require an Audit, I can produce your Annual Return, and submit it on your behalf to the Revenue & Companies House. This will save the further cost of engaging an Accountant after the Bookkeeper’s tasks have been completed.
Money Laundering Requirement
As a member of a Regulated Body, I can provide all the assurance & advice that your business requires to satisfy the Anti-Money Laundering Regulations, and ensure that an unannounced visit from HMRC is minimised.